You know how you sometimes avoid a challenging conversation because you become too nervous or confused about the whole thing?

CommReady is an innovative chatbot companion that helps users prepare for anticipated conversations by facilitating mental simulation. This prep tool allows you to manage your emotions and thoughts. It shortens the time needed for decision-making, improves your communication skills and keeps you emotionally balanced while also preparing you for the challenge of getting your message across.

An App a Day Keeps the Doctor Okay. Medical school graduates take the Hippocratic Oath, which for centuries has been the physicians’ ethical code when treating patients.

An App a Day Keeps the Doctor Okay

Medical school graduates take the Hippocratic Oath, which for centuries has been the physicians’ ethical code when treating patients.While graduates swear to uphold its modern version, many physicians…

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Think about a conflicting situation you have with another person which has been weighing on you. It could be a family member, your boss, a coworker, a neighbor, a close friend, or pretty much anybody.